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Course in Würzburg / Germany with Jörg Molt

Feedback from course participant Oliver P.

“On January 4th 2018 I bought my first BitCoin. Later on, I converted my BitCoins into Altcoins and traded them frequently. So I did everything wrong. I was only interested in making a quick buck. Friends and family ridiculed me. Some people said, my wife should take away my money. In time, my attitude toward BitCoin changed. I started to develop a keen interest in its technology and background. Even though I had lost a lot of money, I took the time to learn everything about BitCoin. Everybody thought I was crazy.

To satisfy my growing curiosity, I signed up for a course at the Satoshi School. The cource was held by trainer Jörg Molt in Würzburg from June 29th to July 7th 2018. At the start of the course, when I realized that there were only five other participants, I started to worry and thought that maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea after all. But I couldn’t have been more wrong. I could explain at great length why this course is an invaluable experience, but honestly, you’ll have to find that out for yourself – and hope there are not more than six participants.

Only one example: The course was supposed to end at 5pm. By 7pm, we were still in the room. Finally Jörg said “I’m hungry. Let’s meet in the hotel restaurant in twenty minutes.“ So we met there, had something to eat and kept on talking until the restaurant closed at 10:30pm. The exact same thing happened on all three days.

My conclusion: Nowadays, I dont really care about the price of BitCoin. I know, that it will continue to rise. And I’m going to covert all my Altcoins back into BitCoin – but only when they are out of the red. I know Jörg would say: “Do it right now!“ Anyway, thanks to the whole team and Jörg for these awesome three days which changed and will continuously to change my life and that of my close friends and family.”

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